Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Racial Issues Involving African Americans - 1021 Words

Shkumbin Elmazi Mr. Bivona U.S. 1 Academic December 8, 2014 Racial Issues Involving African Americans The Declaration of Independence and Common Sense are one of the most important documents ever written. The point of the Declaration of Independence was to show why the thirteen colonies were separating themselves from Great Britain. Common Sense was written to to help strengthen the colonies argument for their freedom. Eventually, the colonists had won the Revolutionary War and formed a brand new government. Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence helped create this government where â€Å"all men are created equal.† Both documents expressed ideas of greater possibility for humanity. However, have we achieved the maxims expressed in these documents? The answer is no. Take a look at African Americans throughout history and even today. From the colonial period to the year 1877, African Americans have been victimized, abused, and mistreated. Norman L. Macht and Mary Hull published a book titled World History Series: The History of Slavery. In this book they wrote, â€Å"Americans today have a difficult time understanding justified slavery with the Declaration of Independence. Its message, ‘All men are created equal’ did not include slaves† (76). African Americans were property to early White Americans. Slaves had no rights and if a slave were to run away, they were returned rightful owner like a horse or cattle. Slaves were viewed as animals because there was no room forShow MoreRelatedMass Incarceration : The Color Of Justice Essay1352 Words   |  6 PagesMass Incarceration: The Color of Justice (DRAFT) Racial discrimination in the United States has been a radical issue plaguing African Americans from as early as slavery to the more liberal society we see today. Slavery is one of the oldest forms of oppression against African Americans. 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